FlatOut 2
- Platform: PC
- Release Date: 2004

FlatOut 2 Mod Loader
FlatOut 2 Mod Loader
- Summary: A Reloaded-II based solution for loading mods.
- Release Date: 2022 [Source Code].
- Features:
- Load mods from outside game folder.
- Load mods without modifying
file in game folder. - Log all files loaded by game.
- Improved load times (~2x for file data).
- Make game size smaller (optional).
- Added support for custom compressed (ZStandard) BFS archives.
Cleaned up game folder with mod, faster loads, much smaller file size:
File size of a game mod before, and after mod loader compression + packing enhancements:
Deduplication and ZStandard Support in bfstool
Forked xNyaDev/bfstool; adding support for:
- ZStandard compression (custom).
- File alignment.
- File deduplication in BFS archives.
FlatOut SDK
FlatOut SDK
- Summary: Library for modifying FlatOut from inside game process.
- Release Date: 2022 [Source Code].
- Updated periodically as I update my mods.
Discord Rich Presence
- Summary: Adds Rich Presence support to FlatOut 2.
- Release Date: 2022 [Source Code].
- Displays current stage, mode, multiplayer lobby, custom stages and cars.
- Supports Discord's Join and Invite Features.
Multiplayer Name Changer
- Summary: Change your multiplayer name without making new singleplayer profile.
- Release Date: 2022 [Source Code].
- Allows you to names longer than game normally allows, up to 64 characters.
- Can update name by exiting and re-joining lobby, game restart not required.