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Adding Music

Riders.Tweakbox allows you to add ADX music to the game to provide alternative tracks to the game's default soundtrack.

When the game is about to play a music track, Tweakbox will randomly choose from a collection of vanilla tracks + all of the user provided tracks.

Don't know how to create an ADX track? Google it!

Getting Started

You can add/replace music by creating Reloaded II mods.

This is a short summary of how to create a mod; for a more in-depth guide on creating mods, please refer to the Reloaded-II documentation.

1. Make a new Mod



2. Enable it for Sonic Riders



And go to your mod directory.

3. Create the Music Directory

Inside mod directory, create a folder called Tweakbox and inside it, a folder called Music.



4. Add the Music


Tweakbox detects newly added music in real time. If you add a track, it will become a candidate to be played next time.

Replacement Modes

Tweakbox supports two modes of music replacement:
- Per File
- Per Stage

Per File

In this mode, if you add a file with name equivalent to a vanilla track; it will (randomly) replace the vanilla track.


Per Stage

In this mode, you can add a music track to be (randomly) played on a specific stage.

To use this mode, name your music file STGXX where XX represents the index of the track, for example:

  • 00 = Test Level
  • 01 = Metal City
  • 02 = Splash Canyon
  • 09 = Night Chase


Multiple Music Tracks

If you have multiple music tracks which you wish to include to replace a single track, put them in separate folders:



In this example, each of the folders has a file called S20.adx inside.
In this example, we add 16 menu themes to the game.

Customizing Behaviour

You can customize the music injection behaviour inside Tweakbox Settings.
