Adding Textures
Riders.Tweakbox allows you to replace textures in real-time by hijacking function calls to the Direct3D 9 API.
Creating a Texture Pack
You can add/replace textures by creating Reloaded II mods.
This is a short summary of how to create a mod; for a more in-depth guide on creating mods, please refer to the Reloaded-II documentation.
1. Make a new Mod
2. Enable it for Sonic Riders
And go to your mod directory.
3. Create the Texture Directory
Inside mod directory, create a folder called Tweakbox
and inside it, a folder called Textures
4. Add the Textures
Add textures in one of the supported formats.
Tweakbox detects newly added textures in real time; however cannot force Reload them. In other words, if you add a stage texture you will have to exit and re-enter the stage before the new texture takes effect.
Where do I get the Textures?
The easiest way to get a hold of the stock textures is to use a known dumped texture set, such as the Community Sonic Riders Texture Library. (Has ~99% of the textures, neatly categorized).
Alternatively, you can dump them yourself from inside Tweakbox, if you visit the DirectX Texture Injection menu from Tweakbox.
Supported Formats
In the case of DDS, there is no restriction on internal format; as long as DirectX supports it.
In the case of DDS.LZ4; it is a custom variant of DDS compressed with the LZ4 compression algorithm exported by my texture optimisation tool.