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Extra Package Metadata

Custom Package Metadata

It is possible to specify custom metadata to apply to packages. Many APIs, such as ReleaseBuilder have a generic <T> type that can be used for holding additional data.

This additional data is used in tandem with APIs which add items, such as ReleaseBuilder<T>.AddCopyPackage().

Building a Package with Custom Metadata

Consider the following snippet using ReleaseBuilder<T>.

var builder = new ReleaseBuilder<string>();
builder.AddCopyPackage(new CopyBuilderItem<Empty>()
    FolderPath = Assets.ManyFileFolderOriginal,
    Version = "1.0",
    Data = "This is a string attached to an individual release package." // <= Custom Data

Reading Custom Metadata from Package

If you are handling the intermediate update steps manually, you can get custom package metadata as soon as the update has been prepared.

Consider a situation where you are handling the intermediate steps manually:

var result = await manager.CheckForUpdatesAsync();
if (result.CanUpdate)
    // Downloads and extracts the package in the background
    // (supports progress reporting and cancellation)
    await manager.PrepareUpdateAsync(result.LastVersion);

    // Get the metadata from the package.
    var packageMetadata = await updateManager.TryGetPackageMetadataAsync(result.LastVersion);